right hand |
Woo more stamping! I did this friday. I notice my fingers curve downward, so I had to restamp the bottoms. You can sort of see it overlapping.. but the pattern is so organic that it is not too noticable.
My right hand didn't stamp that well. And I nicked my ring finger as it wasn't fully dry.boo.
I used another one of my frankens. I love this franken formulas... It goes on really smooth and dries quick! lol and yes this is Black Onyx again. I should try other polish combos. I just knew these two would work well.
I'm not sure I like the zebra plate. This is the bm18 bundle monster plate. I think the zebra lines are a little too thick. I shall try other colors combos closer together. The black is prob too much contrast to the pink. or maybe reverse it so the black is the base color.
But I'm excited. woo stamping fun!
With practice I shall get better!
Well happy Sunday!
argh I'm behind on hair Sundays.. I'm so lazy. Must keep up the hair routine. argh