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If you have comments, question, advice.. Need to get a hold of me....um please email me! PinkNailBlog@gmail.com

Or, If you are a company interested in PinkNailBlog to review products, sponsor contests on my blog, or have discount codes or sales for my readers, I would love to hear from you too!

For product reviews, please submit all requests and inquiries to PinkNailBlog@gmail.com with the subject “Product Review.” All product reviews require a non-returnable sample.

Please note that product samples will not be returned! If you need the product or sample to be returned, you will need to include a pre-paid shipping label. PinkNailBlog does not cover any shipping fee for product reviews.
    PinkNailBlog will always review your product with fairness. Thank you for considering PinkNailBlog to review your product!